
Russians take Ukrainian children to Moscow for propaganda events - The Resistance Center

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Russian authorities are taking Ukrainian children to a propaganda event in Moscow, claiming that Ukraine does not exist and seeking to change their self-identification.

Russians are taking Ukrainian children en masse Ukrainian children to Moscow for the propaganda exhibition "Russia". At the exhibition, children are are convinced that Ukraine does not exist and that their native land is part of Russia. This was was reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.


The Resistance Center emphasized that the enemy continues the policy of brainwashing Ukrainian children in order to to change their self-identity.

International criminal and Nazi Führer of the Russian Federation, Putin has recently once again publicly denied the existence of the Ukrainian people. the existence of the Ukrainian people. Currently, Russia is systematically pursuing a policy of genocide of genocide in the temporarily occupied territories, trying to destroy an entire generation of of Ukrainians

the statement said.

На ТОТ Донеччини у більшості населених пунктах відсутнє опалення та електроенергія - ЦНС 22.12.23, 13:46

Lilia Podolyak



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