
russians hit Chernihiv with three Iskander missiles

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russians strike Chernihiv with 3 Iskander cruise missiles, killing 13 people and wounding 61, including children.

The head of the Chernihiv RMA, Vyacheslav Chaus, said that the attack was carried out by three Iskander cruise missiles. UNN reports with reference to Suspilne.

Vyacheslav Chaus, said in a commentary for Suspilne that this morning the russians used 3 Iskander cruise missiles to strike Chernihiv.

As of now , it is knownthat 13 people were killed and 61 injured, including children.


A russian missile strike on Chernihiv damaged residential buildings, a hospital, a university, and cars.

"Наша підтримка може врятувати життя": посол США закликала збільшити допомогу Україні після ракетного удару рф по Чернігову17.04.24, 13:17

Iryna Kolesnik



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