
Russian troops shelled Sumy and Chernihiv regions 7 times in 24 hours

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Russian troops fired 7 times, resulting in 47 explosions from various types of weapons in Sumy and Chernihiv regions, reports the "North" operational command

Russian troops shelled Sumy and Chernihiv regions 7 times over the past day, the operational command "North" reported on Friday, UNN writes.


Russian invaders continue to shell the border areas of Chernihiv and Sumy regions. In total, 7 attacks (47 explosions) from various types of weapons were counted during the day

, the "North" OK reported in Telegram.


Sumy JFO also reports that at night and in the morning, Russians carried out 5 mortar attacks. 21 explosions were recorded. Krasnopilska and Yunakivska communities were shelled:

▪️Краснопільська community: the enemy attacked with mortars (12 explosions).

▪️Юнаківська community: mortars (2 explosions) and artillery (7 explosions) were used.

Julia Shramko



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