
Russian army strikes Kupyansk-Vuzlovyi in Kharkiv region with KABs in the morning: two wounded

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On July 26, the Russian Armed Forces carried out an air strike on the village of Kupyansk-Vuzlovyi, using two KAB-250s. As a result of the attack, two men aged 60 and 54 were wounded and residential buildings were damaged.

Russian troops this morning carried out an air strike on the village of Kupyansk-Vuzlovy in Kharkiv region, using two KAB-250s. The attack wounded two men, aged 60 and 54, and damaged residential buildings, the Kharkiv regional prosecutor's office said on Friday, UNN reported.


According to the investigation, on July 26, at about 5:35 a.m., the Russian Armed Forces conducted air strikes on the village of Kupyansk-Vuzlovyi. Two men aged 60 and 54 were wounded. Residential buildings were damaged. According to preliminary data, the enemy attacked the settlement with two KAB-250s.

The prosecutor's office also reported about the other deceased and injured. In the evening of July 25, a 47-year-old woman was wounded as a result of hostile shelling of Kyrylivka village in Chuhuiv district. Also yesterday, the occupants shelled the village of Volokhivka in Chuhuiv district: a 58-year-old man was killed.

Pre-trial investigations into the violation of the laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) have been launched.

На Харківщині через атаки рф 8 постраждалих, пошкоджено будинки та клуб26.07.24, 09:12

Julia Shramko



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