
Russia will start sending out electronic summonses and restrict men from leaving the country on November 1

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Starting November 1, Russia will start sending out electronic summonses and will restrict the departure of military personnel from the country.

Starting November 1, Russia will start sending out electronic summonses and restrict the travel of persons liable for military service from the country.  This was reported  by the Russian edition "Medusa", according to UNN. 


According to the newspaper, on April 27, the Russian government published a decree on the rules of operation of two electronic databases - the unified register of military registration and the related register of summonses. This document has allegedly been expected in Russia since the spring of 2023, when amendments on electronic subpoenas were adopted in Russia.

 The military registration register will be launched on November 1, 2024. It will store detailed reports on persons liable for military service. Notifications about being included in the register and all changes in it (for example, about sending a summons) will be sent to the "State Services" website

- the publication writes.

 Summonses will be placed in the register. After that, the person liable for military service will receive a notification on the "State Services" (at the same time, a paper summons will be sent to him). No later than seven days later, the summons will be considered served, and Russians will automatically be subject to the prohibitions associated with it.

Reportedly, the first ban - on leaving Russia - will take effect immediately after the summons is deemed to have been served.  

рф на 1 червня готує мобілізацію 300 тис. військових - Зеленський03.04.24, 15:05

If a Russian conscript fails to report to the military enlistment office within 20 days, he will also be prohibited from registering as a sole proprietor, becoming self-employed, conducting real estate transactions, driving a car, and taking out loans.

"Medza notes that currently, conscripts can leave Russia because military commissariats and the border service do not have a channel for exchanging information. With the launch of the registry, those who have been sent a draft notice will not be able to leave the country until they report to the military commissariat. They will also not be able to apply for a foreign passport. 

If a Russian person liable for military service wants to change his or her data in the military registration register, the military enlistment office will verify it. Until the verification is completed, the information provided by the person liable for military service will be considered unreliable. 

Окупанти на Луганщині планують табори для чоловіків призивного віку - ОВА08.05.23, 08:18 • [views_771405]

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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