
Putin framed Orban with missile strike on Okhmatdet - Kuleb

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Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has set up Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban by striking a children's hospital in Ukraine during Orban's peace mission to end the war, putting Orban in a difficult position and undermining his narrative of Putin's willingness to settle.

By striking at Okhmatdyt, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has framed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who was visiting Moscow with peace initiatives to end the war in Ukraine. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba during a telethon, UNN reports.

Let's be honest: Putin set Orban up with this missile strike. Because while Orban flew to Kyiv, and I will say right away that this was not agreed upon by Ukraine, he flew to Moscow and China, and called it missions 1, 2, 3, and talked about a ceasefire, Putin struck a children's hospital, Ukrainian factories, Ukrainian cities. He kills dozens of people on a massive scale. It puts Orban in a difficult position, because against this background, it becomes extremely difficult to push the narrative that Putin is ready for some kind of settlement 

- Kuleba said.

He added that Ukraine has a clear position, which was conveyed to Orban in Kyiv.

"First, there are no agreements on Ukraine without Ukraine. Secondly, there is no alternative basis for ending the war - the Peace Formula initiated by Ukraine, which is based on the principles of the UN Charter and respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine. We are ready to talk about everything else, but these two principles are absolutely inviolable," Kuleba added.


Earlier, Dmytro Kuleba statedthat yesterday's missile attack on Ukraine was related to the security agreement signed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, as well as the NATO summit in Washington.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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