
Polish carriers announce tightening of the blockade on the border

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Polish carriers at the Dorohusk crossing intensify their protest, allowing only one truck every three hours; however, humanitarian and military cargo remains unimpeded.

Polish carriers at the Dorohusk checkpoint on Christmas will continue to block the border with Ukraine, and will allow one commercial truck every three hours instead of three trucks every hour. Reuters reports this with reference to one of the leaders of the protest. of truckers in Dorohusk Edythe. Ozigala, reports UNN.

We intensify the protest by letting only one truck every three hours

Ozyhala said, adding that the transportation of humanitarian aid and military equipment is not being blocked.

Ozygala's statement came against the backdrop of an agreement of Polish farmers blocking the Medyka-Szegynia crossing to suspend their protest from the morning of December 24.


This This week, after a short break, Polish truckers resumed the blockade of the checkpoint in Dorohusk. Also blocked by Polish carriers are the border crossings in Hrebenne and Korchoviv, where blockers allow several vehicles per hour.

Польські перевізники продовжать блокаду українського кордону під час Різдва23.12.23, 19:02

Lilia Podolyak



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