
Philanthropists in Donetsk region distribute 900 food packages

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Philanthropists in Donetsk region distribute 900 food packages

In the frontline town of Kostyantynivka, Donetsk Oblast, charity workers distributed 900 food packages to local residents. The packages included pasta, cereals, sugar, tea, canned fish, oil, biscuits and chicken from MHP.

The distribution of food packages was organized through the cooperation of the MHP-Gromada Charitable Foundation, the 100 Percent Life Rivne charitable organization and the Help Me Humanitarian Center. The MHP-Hromadske Charitable Foundation received a sub-grant as part of the project "Charitable assistance to vulnerable groups of the population of the Kostiantynivka territorial community of Donetsk region", which is funded by the charitable organization "100 percent of life Rivne" with funds from the European Union.

Konstantynivka suffers significant destruction every day due to the fighting and constant shelling by the Russian military. Many businesses have ceased operations in the city. This has led, in particular, to difficulties with logistics and the supply of food and basic necessities. Currently, local residents need support, as not all of them can even buy food. In addition, not all goods are available in stores, and what is available costs many times more, because it is a difficult mission to bring these products to the frontline area, which is constantly under fire. 

"It is important not to leave Ukrainians in the frontline or de-occupied territories alone with their problems. We must overcome these challenges together. One of the main vectors of our Foundation's work is to support food security. We were doing this even before the full-scale invasion, for example, with our Sowing Seeds with MHP campaign, which allows us to provide people with quality seeds and, as a result, a good harvest. And we continue to do this even during the full-scale invasion. Previously, together with our partners, we have already distributed food packages in Sumy, Kherson, Dnipro, and Kyiv regions and will continue to do so in the future," says Tetiana Volochai, director of MHP-Hromada. 

Volunteers from the Help me humanitarian center and MHP-Hromada employees helped implement the project. They jointly compiled lists of recipients, packed the food parcels and distributed them. As a result: 900 residents of Konstantinovka received food packages. 

"We live close to the fighting, and people really need this help. Any support for the residents of the frontline areas is extremely important, whether it is food packages, basic necessities or heaters or blankets, it is all very important for the residents of the city," said Anastasia Danilenko, a volunteer with the humanitarian  center "Help me".

The publication was prepared within the framework of a sub-grant of the EU4CSOs Emergency Actions project with the financial support of the European Union, implemented by the CO "100 percent of life Rivne". Its contents are the sole responsibility of MHP-Community and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Lilia Podolyak

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