
Over 60% of teachers from frontline areas experience emotional instability - study

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Less than 40% of educators from the border and frontline areas feel emotionally stable. This was reported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, referring to the study "Realities of Educators in Wartime. What trace does the war leave on the psycho-emotional state of teachers and children?" conducted by the GoGlobal Educational Foundation, UNN reports .


The study was conducted from September 27 to October 14, 2023. A total of 4,460 people over the age of 24 who hold the positions of teacher, principal, deputy principal, or social worker were interviewed. The respondents have been working with students for more than 2 years and live in Chernihiv, Kherson, Sumy, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, or Mykolaiv regions.

According to the results, 82% of these educators say they have become more anxious. In addition, the study showed that 87% of educators from border communities need more time to recover, and 78% feel devastated and constantly tired.

In addition, 58% of teachers directly ask for support. Teachers and school administrators have requests for professional and psychological trainings, group sessions, and individual consultations with a psychologist.

SEE ALSO: 48% of children are afraid of loud noises due to war - survey of mothers

Anna Onishchenko



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