
Ombudsman: 119 captured Ukrainian defenders visited in Russia, soldiers recorded video messages to their families

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Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets said that 119 Ukrainian prisoners were visited in Russia under a mutual agreement

The Russian Federation visited 119 Ukrainian defenders who are currently in captivity. This was reported by Ombudsman of Ukraine Dmytro Lubinets, reports UNN.

According to him, the meeting was organized through mutual agreements between the offices of the Ombudsman in Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

We visited the same number of number of Russian military personnel who are held captive on the territory of our country. state. The staff of our Office talked to the Russians and once again and made sure that our country adheres to the Geneva Conventions. Every prisoner of war is fed, provided with hygiene products, has the right to to work, and has the opportunity to go for walks. As for medical care, it is is also provided at the request of prisoners of war. Also, everyone received humanitarian packages with clothes and food

- Lubinets said.

According to the ombudsman, the Russians, in turn, talked to Ukrainian defense lawyers.

"According to them, they also provide medical they also provide medical assistance and it was possible to make phone calls to their relatives. The captured Ukrainian soldiers recorded video messages to their families, which will soon be will be sent to their addressees soon," Lubinets summarized.

READ ALSO: russia does not take its military: ombudsman explains why there are no prisoner exchanges

Antonina Tumanova



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