
Off the coast of India, a drone attacks a merchant ship linked to Israel

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An Israeli-linked ship was attacked by a drone 200 kilometers off the coast of India. The strike caused a fire, but there were no casualties. The Indian Navy responded and offered assistance.

A merchant merchant ship linked to Israel was attacked by an unmanned aerial vehicle off the the west coast of India. Reuters writes about this with reference to the British company maritime security company Ambrey, reports UNN.


The drone hit a Liberian-flagged tanker 200 kilometers southwest of southwest of the Indian city of Veraval. According to media reports, the tanker is the MV Chem Pluto, which was transporting crude oil from Saudi Arabia to India. About 20 Indians could have been on board about 20 Indians on board.

WSJ: іранський розвідувальний корабель допомагає хуситам атакувати судна в Червоному морі23.12.23, 12:00

As a result of the attack a fire broke out, which was extinguished by the crew. There were no casualties among the crew, but the vessel sustained structural damage and no casualties among the crew, but the vessel sustained structural damage and water got on board. water got on board. The Indian Navy sent a warship to provide the merchant ship with the necessary assistance.

Merchant merchant vessels are advised to remember that these types of attacks are usually directed at Israeli-affiliated vessels, but in the past they have mistakenly targeted vessels that are are not affiliated with Israel

- Ambrey said in a statement.


The attack on the ship came as Houthis from Yemen, backed by Iran, began attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea with drones and missiles. As a result, shippers have changed the course of their vessels and are sending them on longer routes around the southern tip of Africa.

However, today's attack on the merchant ship was the first known attack away from the Red Sea since the start of the Gaza war.

США звинуватили Іран у плануванні атак на кораблі в Червоному морі23.12.23, 02:05

Anastasia Ryabokon

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