
Occupants use physiognomists during searches to suppress Ukrainian resistance in Melitopol - Fedorov

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russian security forces in Melitopol are wiretapping and conducting searches with the help of physiognomists to detect deception or hidden feelings among residents, intensifying repression in the occupied territories.

The enemy continues to terrorizing Ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories. In particular, in Melitopol the occupiers monitor the conversations of the city's residents and then come to them with searches in the company of physiognomists. The mayor of Ivan Fedorov, the mayor of Melitopol, writes UNN.

For about two weeks now, the enemy and its weeks now, the enemy, along with its fsb and russian guard, has also been using people who can read facial expressions, who can read facial expressions. They do this in order to understand during checks whether a person is deceiving or not, or what they really feel

- Ivan Fedorov said.


According to Fedorov, the enemy uses such "specialists" to put more pressure on the residents of the of the temporarily occupied territories.

Українське підпілля організовує паралельну систему медичної допомогу на окупованих територіях – ЦНС17.12.23, 15:49

According to him, in order to to suppress resistance in the TOT, the enemy began to take other "non-standard measures". In particular, cases of eavesdropping in public places are recorded. And then it is to those residents whose conversations contained pro-Ukrainian sentiments, the invaders come with searches and physiognomists.


Earlier, Ivan Fedorov reported that in the occupied territories territories there is a catastrophic situation with health care. There is a a shortage of quality medicines and modern equipment, as well as a shortage of doctors.

Anna Onishchenko



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