
Not 'if' but 'when': Biden likely to drop out of race for White House - FT

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Leading Democratic Party donors envision Biden's imminent exit from the race for the White House. Funding for his campaign may be cut off amid skepticism from party leaders.

Leading Democratic Party donors and activists suggest Joe Biden is close to dropping out of the race for the White House. His campaign funding may be cut amid skepticism from party grandees.

Reports UNN citing Financial Times.

Leading Democratic Party donors and activists say Joe Biden is close to leaving the presidential campaign. The publication reports on threats to cut off funding for Biden's campaign amid what party grandees see as his candidacy failing.

Over the past three days, donors from Wall Street to Hollywood have put new pressure on party grandees including Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries and Nancy Pelosi, urging them to persuade Biden to drop out - Financial Times writes.

An influential donor close to Schumer said, “I think it will be over very soon.

Biden has gotten the message that there will be no more fundraising dollars. Members of Congress are getting more aggressive...He just can't take it anymore

- said one Wall Street participant.

Several donors said the campaign to oust the president from the Democratic Party is gaining momentum.

I think it's happening and in many ways irreversible

- said Mohsin Meghji, a Democratic donor and head of restructuring advisory firm M3 Partners.


According to a new CBS-YouGov poll, Trump's lead over Biden has increased since the assassination attempt on Trump in the United States. The former president is ahead by five points. In turn, Biden has fallen further behind in most other polls taken since his failed performance at the anti-Trump debate last month.

Байден в "душевных поисках" относительно выхода из гонки - Reuters19.07.2024, 10:12

Ihor Telezhnikov

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