
The National Police showed a video of the detention of a father and son of military servicemen suspected of killing a policeman in Vinnytsia region

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The National Police showed a video of the detention of a father and son of the military who killed one policeman and injured another. UNN writes about this with reference to the National Police's Facebook page.


The National Police showed a video of the detention of men suspected of attacking police officers in Vinnytsia region.

As a result of a complex and successful police operation, the attackers were detained. They were hiding in an abandoned building in Odesa region and intended to travel abroad," the National Police said.

The police also found the attackers' car. They found and seized bloody clothes, shoes of the suspects, documents and other material evidence in the car. The video shows the remnants of the fierce blood inside the car.


Today in Odesa region two servicemen, a father and son aged 52 and 26, who killed one police officer and wounded another on April 20 in Vinnytsia region, were detained.

Клименко про вбивство поліцейського на Вінниччині: неважливо хто та в якому одязі, виправдання цьому немає 20.04.24, 10:45


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