
Museum of the UPA General-Corporal Roman Shukhevych completely burned down - Sadovyi

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An attack by russian drones burned down the museum of UPA General Shukhevych and the university in Dublin, where Stepan Bandera studied, burned down.

On Stepan Bandera's birthday, russians completely destroyed the museum of UPA General Roman Shukhevych in Bilohirsh. This was reported by Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi on Telegram, UNN reports.

On Stepan Bandera's birthday, Muscovites completely destroyed the museum of UPA General Roman Shukhevych in Bilohirsh

- the statement said.


Sadovyi also added that that night the enemy also hit another national memory site in Lviv: the University of Dubliany, where Stepan Bandera studied 100 years ago.

In both cases, there were no casualties.

У Києві кількість загиблих через ракетну атаку рф зросла до 2701.01.24, 09:19

Olga Rozgon



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