
More than half a thousand injured: two subway trains collide in Beijing due to bad weather

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In Beijing, two subway trains collided due to heavy snowfall, injuring more than five hundred people. This was reported by AP, UNN.


As a result of the abnormal snowfall and frost that has been affecting the capital of China since Sunday, the railroad tracks have become extremely slippery, so when the train tried to slow down, it skidded. Then the automatic emergency braking system kicked in and it came to a complete stop.

At the same time, the train following behind was on a downhill slope and, because of the slippery rails, was unable to brake in time, crashing into the one in front.

SEE ALSO: Heavy snow in northern England caused chaos on highways and power outages

Emergency medical personnel, police and transport services evacuated more than half a thousand passengers from both trains around 23:00.

As of Friday, 102 of the 512 people injured were diagnosed with various types of fractures, 25 were at home under medical supervision, and 67 remained hospitalized.


Beijing winters are usually cold but rarely snowy, but this week the city experienced heavy snowfalls that partially paralyzed traffic.

Earlier , UNN reported that in Beijing, due to the predicted heavy snowfall and ice on Wednesday , classes were canceled in schools and kindergartens were closed.

To recap,

Last month Harbin, the administrative center of Heilongjiang province in northeast China, was hit by heavy snowfall. The city's education department announced that all schools and kindergartens would be closed on Monday.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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