
Looking for "gaps" in the defense: the occupants are putting pressure and constantly changing tactics in the Avdiivka sector

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Russian troops are putting pressure on Avdiivka's defenses, looking for vulnerabilities, but Ukrainian troops are holding their ground.

The Russian occupation forces are exerting pressure and constantly changing tactics in the Avdiivka sector to find "gaps" in the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is how the head of the Avdiivka city military administration Vitaliy Barabash commented on the situation in the relevant direction on the air of "We are Ukraine", UNN reports.

"It is difficult. The situation in our sector is as hot as ever. Unfortunately, it is not getting easier, the enemy is putting pressure, trying to realize their plans to take the city. Almost constantly, they change something in some dynamics - either they come from many directions simultaneously in small groups, or they concentrate on more precise attacks with the use of equipment and try to break through, or simultaneously attack the promka, Stepove and Koksokhim," said Barabash.

According to him, the Russians are constantly trying to find certain "gaps" in our defense and "push through" something. However, despite the weather conditions and enormous pressure, Ukrainian defenders are holding the line.

Використовують техніку, попри непогоду: Барабаш розповів про третю хвилю наступу росіян на Авдіївку25.12.23, 20:10

Antonina Tumanova



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