
"Let us pray for martyred Ukraine," Pope Francis

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The Pope mentioned Ukraine only in his big Christmas speech. Moving on from the events of two thousand years ago, when Jesus was born, the pontiff called modern children whose childhood was destroyed by war "little Jesuses."

Pope Francis has called for prayer for those who suffer from violence in Palestine, Israel and Ukraine, and for an end to all wars. This was reported by Ansa, reports UNN.

Please remember to pray for those who suffer from the terrible consequences of violence and war. Let us pray especially for the martyred Ukraine and for the peoples of Palestine and Israel. War is evil, let us pray for an end to wars

said the Pope at the end of his general audience in the Vatican, the last one in 2023.


In this year's Christmas message "Urbi et Orbi", Pope Francis asked for peace for Ukraine.

Contemplating the Child Jesus, I ask for peace for Ukraine

The Pope said.

Папа Римський наголосив на важливості регулювання штучного інтелекту15.12.23, 14:59

Lilia Podolyak

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