
Lawyer: The state must ensure the right of the military to land, not sell it

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Lawyer Oleh Shram believes that the state should ensure the right of the military to receive a land plot, rather than sell land at auction. He emphasizes that land is Ukraine's most valuable resource, and it is rash to sell it in times of war.

The state must ensure the right of the military to receive land, and not sell it at auction. This opinion was expressed in an exclusive commentary to UNN by Oleh Shram, a lawyer and former adviser to the director of the State Bureau of Investigation.

I think that if the law guarantees the right of the military to use free land, the state should ensure this, and not sell all the land it has, and thus deprive citizens of the opportunity to exercise this right, including veterans, combatants, and ATO participants,

- Shram noted.

He emphasized that land is Ukraine's most valuable resource, and therefore it is rash to sell it in times of war.

Of course, you can sell everything, but then what? There was some industry, but it is now in decline. And land remains the only resource we have that can ensure food security at least for our country. This is the basis from which we can build on. Selling off the land now, in my opinion, is a very wrong decision

- the lawyer believes.

Mr. Shram added that it is also wrong to grant permission to sell Ukrainian land to foreigners, so the Constitutional Court, which is considering the interpretation of certain provisions of the Constitution regarding land, should finally answer the questions that have been raised before it, including the issue of ownership of agricultural land by foreign individuals and legal entities.


The State Property Fund is preparing the first 100,000 hectares for auction. The land to be auctioned was previously used by the National Agrarian Academy. The latter, in turn, inherited the "national wealth" from Soviet collective farms. All this time, the land has been circulating in gray schemes of the National Academy, enriching officials and employees of the Academy itself.

One of these state-owned enterprises of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, which was transferred to the State Property Fund, is the State Farm "Agrofirma Nadiya". Despite the NAAS's claims that Nadiia's land has never been leased, it turned out that quite recently almost all of their land was transferred to a private company for sunflower cultivation.

Also, "Nadiia Agrofirm" is known for trying to take away land plots from more than a thousand ATO soldiers with the assistance of NABU. The latter privatized land in Sumy region, but Nadiia believes that the land belonged to them. There are currently no legal grounds to believe that the ATO soldiers' land is related to the National Academy of Sciences, the Supreme Court ruled.

However, the NABU and the SAPO declared their readiness to interrogate the country's defenders.

The confrontation between the NABU, the SAPO and the ATO is part of a criminal proceeding involving former Minister Mykola Solsky. Prior to his civil service positions, he worked as a lawyer and, in particular, helped to ensure that ATO soldiers received land plots.

Lilia Podolyak



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