
Large-scale release of water from nuclear reactor in DPRK - IAEA

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North Korea has been discharging large amounts of water from its Yongbyon reactor, indicating increased activity and possible violation of UN resolutions, the IAEA Director General said. The Yongbyon facility also remains ready for a new nuclear test, which is a cause for serious concern.

Since mid-October, North Korea has been experiencing a large-scale release of water from the nuclear reactor in the Yongbyon complex. This was announced by Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi, according to Yonhap, UNN reports .


Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi explained his agency's observations of the light water reactor (LWR) at the nuclear complex 100 kilometers north of Pyongyang.


An increased level of activity has been observed at and near the LWR. Since mid-October 2023, there has been a strong outflow of water from the LWR cooling system,

he said.

Grossi emphasized the ongoing activities at the Yonbin complex, reiterating that North Korea's "apparent" continuation of its nuclear program is "clear" violation of UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. The publication notes that in this way he hinted at a possible test launch of a of a facility that could be designed to produce more fissile material for nuclear fissile material for nuclear bombs.


The 5 MWe reactor was shut down for three to four weeks during September and early October 2023, but there are now signs of operation. There are also signs of ongoing operation of the centrifuge enrichment plant and its annex,

Grossi added.

The IAEA chief also emphasized that the northern nuclear test site at Punggye-ri remains "ready to conduct a new nuclear test", which he called which he called "a cause for serious concern."


As UNN wrote, North Korea has conducted successful ground tests of newly newly developed solid fuel engines for a new type of intercontinental intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

READ MORE: Pentagon chief expresses concern over growing of military cooperation between Russia and the DPRK


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