
Klymenko: 16 thousand names in the register of missing persons - Klymenko

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The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has 16,000 people in the register of missing persons and faces problems in conducting DNA comparisons of those abroad.

The register of missing persons under special circumstances, maintained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, already contains 16,000 people. This was announced by Acting Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko during a national telethon, UNN reports.

We have a register. It is maintained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are 16 thousand people in this register. 

- said Igor Klymenko.


Klymenko said that they have now managed to fully establish communication with the relatives of the missing under special conditions. However, the minister noted that the Interior Ministry faced a problem in the search for missing persons due to the need for DNA sampling.

A lot of our citizens went abroad. We could not compare the corresponding DNA of the bodies in the forensic bureau with the DNA of their relatives abroad. 

- explains Igor Klymenko.

Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs appealed to Ukrainian citizens who are abroad. First of all, in Poland and Germany. To ask them to submit their DNA samples for comparison. As for other countries, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is working with the International Committee of Missing Persons and will announce in early January that it will accept applications from citizens in EU countries who want to donate DNA.


Between November 28 and December 5, Ukrainians in Poland and Germany provided 165 DNA samples to help find relatives who went missing under special circumstances. 

Anna Onishchenko



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