
Kirovograd region introduces emergency power outages due to equipment overload

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On July 18, Kirovohrad region introduced a schedule of emergency power outages due to equipment overload. Similar measures have been introduced in Dnipropetrovska oblast.

Emergency power outages have been introduced in Kirovohrad region today, Kirovohradoblenergo reported on Thursday, UNN reports.


"On 18.07.2024, from 14:21, by order of NPC Ukrenergo, due to the overload of NPC Ukrenergo's main equipment, a schedule of emergency outages is introduced throughout the Kirovohrad region. If the situation changes, we will inform you additionally," the regional power company said on Telegram.


Emergency blackouts were also introduced in Dnipropetrovska oblast.

На Дніпропетровщині запроваджують екстрені відключення18.07.24, 14:51

Julia Shramko



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