
Kharkiv region: Russians shell Vovchansk

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Russian shelling of Vovchansk on January 1 caused fires in the private sector; no casualties were reported.

Since the morning of January 1 the Russians shelled Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region several times. Residents of the private sector came under The enemy's fire targeted residents of the private sector. Fires broke out there. The consequences of the of the shelling were shown by the regional State Emergency Service, UNN reports .

In the morning of January 1. January, Russian troops shell the city of Vovchansk. The private sector the private sector came under fire. Two fires occurred at different addresses on the area of about 250 square meters.

- the rescuers said.


According to the State Emergency Service, Russian shelling set fire to a residential building, a civilian a civilian car and outbuildings.

Under continuous enemy fire, rescuers and firefighters from the rescuers and firefighters from the local fire brigade from the village of Vilcha. Despite the the danger, they managed to extinguish all the fires.

Preliminary, there were no casualties or injuries.

У Дніпрі в новорічну ніч ворожий дрон поцілив по підприємству, в області збили 5 "шахедів" - ОВА01.01.24, 10:13


Earlier, the Kharkiv regional police reportedthat a man was killed in the village of Dvorichna as a result of hostile fire. a man was killed.  


On the night of December 30, the Russians also shelled Vovchansk. Around midnight, the occupiers shelled Vovchansk with artillery central district hospital. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Tatiana Salganik



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