
In Kyiv region, additional UAH 45.5 million of taxes have already been paid for the use of land, - Kravchenko

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In the first half of the year, landowners in Kyiv region paid an additional UAH 45.5 million in land tax out of UAH 89 million declared, which was made possible by joint efforts of tax authorities and local communities to identify land plots and ensure proper taxation.

During the first half of the year, owners of land plots in Kyiv region have already paid an additional UAH 45.5 million for the use of land out of the UAH 89 million declared to date, UNN reports citing a report by the Kyiv RMA. 

"Inventory of agricultural land in Kyiv region and payment of taxes for its use. This is an issue that is under the strict control of the Transparency and Accountability working group.

Continuous joint work is already yielding results - almost 1.8 thousand additional land tax returns were filed in the first half of the year. The amount of additionally paid taxes exceeded UAH 45.5 million," said Ruslan Kravchenko, Head of Kyiv RMA.

According to him, together with the tax authorities and local communities, work is underway to identify land plot owners. As of the beginning of July, the number of land plots submitted to local authorities was 94,000. A little more than 16,000 have been identified so far, and the work is ongoing. New business entities are being actively engaged in taxation.

Кравченко закликав правоохоронців перевірити інформацію щодо мільйонних збитків під час будівництва доріг і соцзакладів на Київщині20.06.24, 18:55

"Unfortunately, there are communities that are in no hurry to provide information - there are 18 of them. In addition, we encourage communities to identify and report land plots that are used without proper documents and not for their intended purpose.

Therefore, he urged all communities without exception not to delay in submitting the necessary data. Anyone who deliberately avoids doing so will be reported to law enforcement agencies. We are all interested in the development of communities in Kyiv region, in transparent and accountable processes. And we must act together!" - Kravchenko added.

На Київщині рекомендували розірвати резонансну закупівлю на 20 млн грн. Кравченко наголошує - використання коштів має бути ефективним03.05.24, 18:11

According to the head of the RMA, unpaid taxes are significant amounts of money that can be used for community development and construction of new social and infrastructure facilities.

Antonina Tumanova



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