
In Kherson region losses from air pollution during martial law approached UAH 145 billion

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The inspectors calculated losses of almost UAH 145 billion due to air pollution in the Kherson region caused by emergencies and martial law.

Kherson region recorded losses of almost 145 billion hryvnias due to air pollution caused by emergencies and martial law, the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Southern District reported on Wednesday, UNN reports.


Continuing the work on recording environmental damage caused by martial law, the inspectors calculated damages for air pollution in Kherson region.

"The total amount of calculated losses due to air pollution in Kherson region is almost UAH 145 billion," the regional office of the State Environmental Inspectorate reported on social media. 

It is stated that as of the beginning of April 2024, 150 cases of unorganized emissions of pollutants or a mixture of such substances into the air due to emergencies and/or during martial law have been processed.

За рік збитки довкіллю через російську війну зросли у 5 разів - міністр Стрілець27.08.23, 17:07 • [views_440835]

Julia Shramko



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