
In France, ministers were banned from using WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal

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French Prime Minister Elisabeth Born has banned ministers from using unapproved instant messengers such as WhatsApp and Telegram, obliging them to use the secure French App Olvid until December 8.

French Prime Minister Elizabeth born bans ministers use WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal. This is reported by the publication BFM TV, reports UNN.


According to the decree, officials are required to delete all instant messengers that were not approved by the security services from your devices.

Members of the government are invited to use French Olvid Messenger, which is presented in the document as the" only secure one messaging platform".

Read also: Viber and Messenger: Ukrainians named the most popular mobile applications

I ask you to take all measures to ensure that Olvid is deployed on the phones and computers of members of the government and ministries, replacing any other instant messaging systems, no later than December 8, 2023.

Elizabeth born stressed. 

Lilia Podolyak



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