
In Chernihiv region Russians attack a car driver who brought bread to a store

 • 17911 переглядiв

Russia attacked a truck carrying bakery products with drones as it unloaded food near a store in a village in Novgorod-Siversky district, but there were no casualties, except for the driver, who suffered a slight contusion from the explosion.

Russian troops attacked a bakery truck with drones as it was unloading food near a store in a village on the border in Chernihiv region, but there were no casualties, only the driver was slightly contused by the explosion, said Vyacheslav Chaus, head of the Chernihiv RMA, on Thursday, UNN reports.

Russia continues its terror. Today, the enemy attacked a bakery truck with drones while it was unloading food near a store in a village in Novhorod-Siverskyi district. Fortunately, there were no casualties. The driver received a mild blast concussion

- Chaus wrote on Telegram.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russians carried out the attack when the driver stopped at a local store to deliver bread. The driver, born in 1994, was reported to have sustained mild contusion as a result of the explosions. The car and the store were damaged.

У Чернігівській області за добу зафіксовано 22 вибухи в різних прикордонних громадах18.04.24, 11:39


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