
In a few days, Russia will start shipping free grain to Africa to strengthen its influence on the continent - Bloomberg

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African countries will soon receive free grain from Russia. countries will soon start receiving free grain from Russia. This is reported by UNN with with reference to Bloomberg.


The publication writes that the first batches of Russian grain should start arriving in Africa in a few days. Thus, Russia is trying to strengthen its influence on the continent. Bloomberg reminds that Putin promised to send grain to six African countries free of charge at a bilateral countries at a bilateral summit in the summer. The first recipients will be Somalia and Burkina Faso will be the first recipients. Later, Zimbabwe, Mali, Eritrea, and the Central African Republic.

The volume of supplies to each country will range from 25-50 thousand tons. And by the end of the year the total volume of supplies will reach 200,000 tons, according to the Russian Ministry of of Agriculture. However, this is an insignificant amount of the total grain consumption of grain by these countries.

SEE ALSO: Russians destroyed more than 280 tons of grain per month by attacking Ukrainian ports

"Grain deal"

The move followed criticism that Russia's war in Ukraine and Russia's withdrawal from the agreement, which that facilitated the export of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea, pushed up world prices for food and fertilizers. for food and fertilizers. 

Bloomberg reminds, that Ukraine and Russia are the world's top two exporters of grain and vegetable and vegetable oil. After Russia withdrew from the grain deal, it repeatedly shelled Ukrainian ports and grain warehouses, which caused a wave of accusations from Ukraine and the West that Russia is using food as a weapon of war, and world grain prices rose again.

An analysis of the impact of the of the Black Sea grain deal showed that it helped feed about 95 million people.

SEE ALSO: Ukraine has managed to accumulate more than $3.5 billion in grain under the Grain from Ukraine" program managed to accumulate more than $100 million - Zelensky

Anastasia Ryabokon

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