
IDF destroys several hundred tunnels built by terrorists in Gaza

 • 21096 переглядiв

The Israeli Defense Forces destroyed about 400 underground tunnels in Gaza used by Hamas militants, with a significant part of the operations carried out by the Yahalom special forces unit. The tunnels were hidden under civilian buildings, using the local population as human shields.

The Israeli Defense Forces reported the the discovery and destruction of approximately 400 underground tunnels built and used by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. This was reported by The Times of Israel, according to UNN.


To date, IDF soldiers have discovered and destroyed about 400 terrorist tunnel shafts. The Yahalom Special Forces unit of the Corps of Engineers played a significant role in detecting and destroying these tunnels using various methods,

the report says.


According to the the Israeli military, Hamas militants have built a network of tunnels under settlements throughout the Gaza Strip.

It is noted that the entrances to the tunnels were hidden among civilian buildings, including residential buildings, schools, hospitals and other facilities.The IDF accused Hamas of using the Palestinian population of Gaza as human shields.

To recap

As UNN wrote, Hamas is trying to withdraw militants from the Gaza Strip among the evacuated civilians. among the evacuated civilians. A senior U.S. official confirmed that wounded Hamas fighters were secretly included in the evacuation lists along with wounded Palestinian civilians.

SEE ALSO: IDF says. Israel has taken control of the Gaza port

Olga Rozgon



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