
Guyana considers Venezuela's plan for the Ezequibo region an "imminent threat" to the country and the world

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Guyana President Ilfan Ali sees recent statements by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro regarding the Ezequibo region as a direct threat to his country's sovereignty. He assured that the Guyana military forces are on high alert, but expects action from the UN Security Council. Venezuela has claimed the resource-rich Guyana region, planning to launch exploration despite international legal proceedings.

Guyana's President Irfaan Ali says the statements and actions of Venezuelan head Nicolas Maduro are a "direct threat" to his country, and reiterated that Guyana's armed forces are on "high alert"; the country is also in political contact with the UN and the United States. This is reported by UNN with reference to El Comercio and BBC.


President Of Guyana Irfaan Ali in response to statements made by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on the territory of the Ezequibo region, appealed to the nation and assured this on Wednesday, the action plan developed by Venezuela is an "immediate threat" to the territorial integrity of the country. the integrity of Guyana and peace in the world. 

This is a direct threat to Guyana's territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence

- Ali said.

Also, the president of Guyana announced that he would refer "this issue to the Security Council." The United Nations, that this body should take appropriate measures", and he said that he had contacted UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and U.S. Southern Command to inform them of what happened.
Irfaan Ali assured that the Guyana armed forces are on "the highest alert."

we will not allow our territory to be violated and we will not allow this desperate threat to hinder the development of our country

- Ali said.


President Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro has introduced a new official document in the local media. map of the country with the included territory of the oil-rich Essequibo region, located in under the rule of Guyana, and before it, for more than a century, it was part of the borders British Guiana.

On the eve of a referendum was held in Venezuela, in which, allegedly, more than 95% of voters agreed that Ezequibo should become a province of Venezuela. But this is a result that does not affect the dispute between the two countries in the International Court of Justice over this region, whose jurisdiction Caracas rejects.

According to Maduro's recent statements during a meeting of the State Council and of the country's Defense Council, Venezuela announces a number of measures and future laws, aimed at specifying the ownership of the Esequibo territory and its resources. In particular Maduro ordered state-owned companies to immediately start oil exploration and development, gas and mineral resources in the Esequibo region.

The world should know, the Republic of Guyana should know, that given the historical rights to Essequiba Guyana, Venezuela has one voice: Essequibo is ours, despite all the differences.

- Maduro said and announced the creation of an integral defense zone for this territory.

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The president of Guyana the response noted that " announced the measures grossly ignore the order of the International Court of Justice of December 1, 2023", bearing in mind that last Friday the UN called on Caracas to "abstain" from "any actions that could change" the status of the territory or which they could "escalate or delay" the dispute that is currently being considered in court.

throwing challenge to the court, Venezuela rejected international law, the rule of law in general, justice and the preservation of international peace and security. She literally announced I am an outlaw country,

, he said.


Venezuela long ago claimed Essequibo, referring to the historical borders of the Spanish the colonial period. Guyana, however, has ruled the region for more than a century and insists that the boundaries were determined by the arbitration group of 1899.

Wealth Of Guyana, as the BBC notes, it is mainly based on mining and oil exports, which made its economy one of the fastest growing in the world. the world in recent years.

Oil detection in waters off the coast of Essequibo in 2015 helped ignite the current dispute. Tensions escalated further in September 2023, when Guyana held an auction for licenses for exploration of these waters.


UNN reported, that President Maduro declared the western part of Guyana, Essequibo province, the 24th the state of Venezuela. He gave oil companies operating at sea three months to complete operations

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