
"Full of lawlessness and arbitrariness": educational ombudsman tells why Kyiv school guard did not let children with a dog into the shelter

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Educational ombudsman Serhiy Gorbachev has criticized a security guard at a Kyiv school for not letting children with a dog into a shelter during an allergy alert, calling it lawlessness and arbitrariness. The incident is under investigation.

Educational ombudsman Serhiy Gorbachev said that a guard at a Kyiv school did not allow children with a dog to enter the shelter during the air raid on December 14 because of possible allergies of other people in the shelter. He wrote about this in Telegram, according to UNN

The situation with the school security guard who did not let the children into the shelter because "they are with a dog and it is allergic" is just surreal.  Even if someone does have allergies, it is almost always possible to find a more or less secluded place in a shelter to limit contact with other people. Especially in a large school

- the educational ombudsman stated. 

He noted that it is impossible to foresee all situations in real life in regulatory documents. Therefore, in any situation, one should be guided by the fact that human life and health are the highest value. 

Gorbachev called the fact that children were not allowed to go to the shelter during the air raid "complete lawlessness and arbitrariness". 

To draw the right conclusions, it is important to understand whether the guard was guided by his own understanding or by the order of the management. But even if the management did not explicitly forbid letting "animals" in, it is worthwhile to find out very carefully: how did this become possible? How exactly does the educational institution prepare employees to act in the event of an air raid?

- he noted.

 As UNN reported, the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office launched a pre-trial investigation into the incident on the fact of "deliberate abandonment of children who were in a life-threatening condition and were deprived of the opportunity to take measures to save themselves."

The KMBA called the actions of the school security guard unacceptable and called on each manager responsible for the shelters to conduct an internal review and awareness-raising with staff. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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