
First triplets born in Dnipropetrovs'k region this year

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In the Dnipropetrovs'k region, a 30-year-old mother who already had three children gave birth to the first triplets of the year - two girls and a boy.

The first triplets of this year were born in Dnipropetrovs'k region. Two girls and a boy were born,  said the head of the RMA, Serhiy Lysak, reports UNN.  

"The enemy is targeting civilians. At maternity and children's hospitals. But he cannot stop life. It goes on - against all odds.

The first triplets of this year were born in the Dnipro region. 30-year-old Valeria gave birth to two girls and a boy at once," Lysak wrote on Telegram. 

According to him,  in addition to the newborns, she has three other children.  The woman in labor admits that she still can't believe that she is now a mother of six. However, her husband Maksym is confident that they will cope. 

According to Lysak, this year almost 7.3 thousand boys and girls were born in Dnipropetrovska oblast.

Лікування безпліддя за державні кошти: в МОЗ розповіли, скільки жінок вже завагітніли27.06.24, 17:29

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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