
Fatal road accident in Lviv region blocks M-09 highway near Moshchana village: patrol police organize reverse traffic

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A deadly accident blocked traffic in both directions on the M-09 highway near the village of Moshchana in Lviv region.

An accident occurred in the Lviv region near the village of Moshchana, traffic on the M-09 highway "Ternopil - Lviv - Rava-Ruska" is blocked in both directions. This was reported by the patrol police of the Lviv region, UNN reports.

Due to an accident with fatalities on the M-09 Ternopil - Lviv - Rava-Ruska highway in the village of Moshchana, traffic is blocked in both directions. Please take this information into account when planning your route.

- the police said.


All necessary services are working at the scene of the accident.

Currently, patrol policemen are ensuring reverse traffic and informing about the detour of the said area.

As of 22:25, reverse traffic has been organized

- the police warned.

Tatiana Salganik



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