
European carriers call for revision of Ukraine deal - Bloomberg

 • 2295 переглядiв

Carriers of five Eastern European countries will demand from the EU to revise the transport agreement with Ukraine

Members of the International Road Transport Union from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Lithuania will send a joint letter on Monday a joint letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen calling on her to to reconsider the agreement that allows traffic liberalization with Ukraine.

Bloomberg writes about this with reference to the statement of the Secretary of the largest road transport organization in Hungary, MKFE, Tivadar Arvai, reports UNN.

As Tivadar Arvai emphasized, the current agreement, which expires in June 2024, "seriously distorts the market and causes irreversible damage to to Hungarian and European carriers."

According to Arvai, individual members will also send separate letters to their respective governments. The truckers want to cancel the current agreement or or at least not to extend it.

We ask and urge all decision makers involved to consider the termination or significant decision makers to consider the termination or significant changes to the current agreement between the EU and Ukraine without any delay and thus ensure a return to the implementation of the bilateral agreements between individual EU countries and Ukraine

the letter published on the MKFE website says

The European Commission said on Thursday that any reintroduction of reintroduction of permits or quotas for road transport from Ukraine is legally impossible, as it would violate the current agreement between the EU and Kyiv.

Lilia Podolyak



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