
EU agrees on reform to tighten rules for accepting migrants - media

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The EU has agreed on a reform that introduces stricter asylum rules, including fast-track procedures and immediate deportation for failed asylum applicants.

The European Union has agreed on new, stricter asylum rules to somewhat curb mass migration. This was reported by Tagesschau, UNN reports.


The European Parliament and EU member states have agreed on a comprehensive reform of the EU's asylum and migration policy. It envisages the introduction of stricter rules and mechanisms to reduce the influx of migrants.

According to the reform, citizens of countries whose applications are approved in the EU in less than 20% of cases will be detained at the border. After that, the asylum application must be processed on the spot within twelve weeks under an accelerated procedure. Anyone who does not have grounds for asylum will be deported immediately.


French lawmakers yesterday reached a tentative agreement on a controversial immigration bill that is crucial for President Emmanuel Macron. 

READ ALSO: EU leaders are ready to finance construction of walls, fences and barbed wire in third countries to deter migrants - media

Anna Onishchenko

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