
Donetsk region: Russian army strikes with artillery, KAB-500 bombs and missiles

 • 30707 переглядiв

Russian troops fired rockets and bombs at five settlements in Donetsk region, wounding three civilians and damaging 18 houses, a kindergarten and infrastructure.

Russian troops fired at 5 settlements in Donetsk region yesterday, striking 10 times, including with a rocket at Zhelanne and guided bombs at Ocheretyne and New York, the regional police reported, UNN reports.

During the day, the occupation forces struck 10 times at the civilian population. The enemy fired at 5 settlements: Kurakhove, Zhelanne, New York, Ocheretino, Novoselivka Persha village. The Russian army fired with KAB-500 bombs, rockets, and artillery

- the Donetsk police reported


Reportedly, 20 civilian objects were damaged - 18 residential buildings, a kindergarten, and a power line.

According to the police, Russia dropped three guided bombs on Ocheretyne. Three apartment buildings and social infrastructure were destroyed. One person was injured.

The occupiers struck New York with another KAB-500 bomb and artillery, as indicated, wounding two civilians. At least 2 apartment buildings and 14 private houses were damaged.

The Russians fired a missile at Zhelanne. There were no reports of casualties, the police said.

According to the acting head of the Donetsk regional military administration Igor Moroz, sporadic attacks were registered in Avdiivka over the last day.

За добу внаслідок обстрілів рф на Донеччині постраждали троє цивільних25.12.23, 08:31

Julia Shramko



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