
Deeply shocked by the news: Zelensky reacts to fatal shooting in Prague

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President of Ukraine Zelenskyy expresses condolences over the shooting in the center of Prague.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy reacted to the shooting in the center of Prague and expressed condolences to the families of the victims, UNN reports.

"I am deeply shocked by the news of the tragic events in Prague that killed and injured civilians. I express my sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded," Zelensky wrote on social network X.

Стрілянина у Празі: українців серед постраждалих немає - МЗС21.12.23, 20:29


Czech police today reportedthat a shooting took place in the center of Prague, on Jan Palach Square.  In connection with the incident, law enforcement officers blocked the square and the area surrounding the university.

Later, it became known that the attacker was neutralized by law enforcement, and evacuation of the building began.

A shooting with a large number of victims in the center of Prague (Czech Republic) today, December 21, may have been carried out by 24-year-old philosophy student David Kozak. 

Antonina Tumanova



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