
Court sentences to life imprisonment a doctor from Mariupol who "handed over" 7 wounded Ukrainian soldiers to Russia during the battle for the city

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Valentyna Chekhova, an ophthalmologist from Mariupol, was sentenced to life in prison for handing over seven wounded Ukrainian soldiers to Russian troops during the fighting in 2022.

Thanks to the SBU evidence base, a doctor of an ophthalmologist at a medical center in the temporarily occupied ophthalmologist of one of the medical institutions of the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Valentina Chekhov, who defected to the enemy. This was reported was reported by the SBU press service, according to UNN.

During the battles for the city in March 2022, the official "handed over" to the Nazis seven seriously wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who were hospitalized in the local hospital where she worked,

- the report says.


According to the investigation, this happened after the seizure of the medical facility, when a group of of invaders led by a Russian military man with the call sign "Ossetin" tried to to identify members of the Defense Forces among the patients.

Realizing this threat to Ukrainian defenders, the medical staff of the hospital staff destroyed their uniforms, documents and military ammunition in advance. After that the wounded Mariupol defenders were registered as civilian patients who suffered as civilian patients who suffered as a result of intense hostilities in the city.

However, Chekhova, during a "ward" tour of the medical facility with the occupiers, Chekhova showed them the beds where the hospitalized soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were lying.

After that, the Nazis imprisoned the seriously wounded Ukrainian defenders and and took them to a Russian torture chamber where they were brutally tortured.


It was also established that in addition to the military personnel of the Defense Forces, the traitor pointed out to Ossetia one of the doctors who tried to save the wounded soldiers. Upon learning of this, the occupiers took the man's documents, car and and threatened to prepare him for a "slow death."

At the last moment, the doctor managed to escape during the shift change of the "guards" posted by the Russian invaders around the perimeter of the medical center.

As the investigation established, for cooperation with the occupiers, their accomplice received "incentives" in the form of "appointment to the post of head of the of the ophthalmology department" of the seized hospital.

Based on the evidence collected, the court found Chekhova guilty under Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason committed under martial law) and sentenced her to life imprisonment in absentia.

SEE ALSO: Gunner of Russian missile at Kharkiv air defense facility gets life sentence


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