
Corruption in the Kyiv Court of Appeal: court upholds bail of over UAH 4.99 million for judge Hlynianyi

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HACC Appeals Chamber upholds bail of over UAH 4.99 million for Judge Hlynianyi, who is suspected of taking a bribe

The Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court upheld the measure of restraint in the form of detention with the possibility of bail in the amount of over UAH 4.99 million for Kyiv Court of Appeal judge Viktor Hlynianyi, who is suspected of taking a bribe, reports UNN.

"The appeal is dismissed," the judge said.


On December 8, the HACCU remanded Judge Hlynianyi of the Kyiv Court of Appeal in custody with the possibility of bail in excess of UAH 4.99 million.

Later, Hlynyanyi was released on bail and released from custody. 

The High Council of Justice has suspended Kyiv Court of Appeal Judge Hlynianyi from administering justice until January 30.

Four judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal, who were caught taking a bribe to lift the seizure of a private company's property, have been served with a notice of suspicion.

These are Yuriy Slyva, Viktor Hlynyanyi, Ihor Palenyk and Viacheslav Dziubin.

Antonina Tumanova

Crimes and emergencies


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