
Construction of fortifications: Kyiv region introduces multi-level control over works

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A multi-level system of control over the construction of fortifications involving military supervision, law enforcement, civil society organizations and independent experts has been introduced in Kyiv region to ensure transparency, accountability, targeted use of funds and quality of work to protect Ukraine's borders.

A multi-level control over the construction of fortifications has been introduced in Kyiv region. This was reported on Facebook by Ruslan Kravchenko, head of the Kyiv RMA, UNN reports.

According to Kravchenko, a regular meeting of the Transparency and Accountability Working Group was held at the KRMA. Law enforcement officers, representatives of NGOs and contractors discussed sensitive issues of fortifications in Kyiv region.

Constant multi-level control over the construction of fortifications. This is what makes it possible to have securely equipped borders and save many lives.  The main thing! The military determined what and where to build. All construction is under their direct control. We take into account all comments and promptly correct the necessary documentation. Because it is the military who understand what is needed to properly protect the borders. We build everything in accordance with the tasks

- Kravchenko said.

According to him, the meeting discussed the issues that are of most interest to the public.

In particular, the conditions for selecting contractors. Mr. Kravchenko noted that, first, it is the ability to properly fulfill all the terms of the contract. Secondly, an unblemished reputation.

All construction companies were thoroughly checked by law enforcement. We received the relevant conclusions. Those who had been prosecuted were not allowed to work. Possible ties to Russia were also checked separately

- said the head of RMA.

They also discussed the analysis of project estimates and financial statements. According to Kravchenko, Kyiv RMA is the only one in Ukraine to involve two respected institutions in this process: National Scientific Center "Bokarius Institute of Forensic Expertise" and Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

The specialists of KFI carried out a detailed examination of the design and estimate documentation, provided reports, carried out technical supervision of construction, checked financial statements, and conducted construction and technical expertise. Separate and additional construction and technical expertise is also carried out by the Bokarius Institute. Upon completion of construction, a full examination of the project implementation, including financial, is carried out. And only then is the act of completion signed

- emphasized the head of the RMA.

Another issue is the efficient use of funds and the prevention of price overstatement. Mr. Kravchenko emphasized that all contracts are concluded at dynamic prices. Each contractor has been warned that overpriced contracts will not be closed.

There has already been a precedent. But it will not be possible to manipulate and abuse. The output prices will not exceed the market average and will be in line with the expertise of the design and estimate documentation. Therefore, no one will receive money at inflated prices. Assessment of technical supervision, careful analysis of financial documentation, construction and technical expertise of specialists from institutes - only then is the act signed and bills paid

-  he emphasized.

The issue of correcting the deficiencies identified during construction was also raised. For this purpose, a constant multi-level inspection of the entire construction phase is carried out. According to the RMA chairman, a special working group involving the military, customers, and law enforcement officers is on site almost every day.

In fact, the Kyiv RMA is the first among regional administrations to create a unique multi-level system of control over the construction of fortifications. Some might say it's too bureaucratic and complicated. But the more safeguards, the fewer questions the public has later, the fewer reasons to manipulate, and the more arguments to justify each decision. We have introduced a new format of comprehensive inspection. Because behind all this is the life of every Ukrainian, every military man, and ultimately the fate of the whole country

- Kravchenko summarized.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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