
Chaus: Russia is able to quickly form a contingent for a repeat offensive in Chernihiv region

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Russia could quickly assemble troops to invade Chernihiv, but Ukrainian fortifications could deter such an attack.

Russia is capable of forming a sufficient contingent within a week or three to re-attack the territory of Chernihiv region. However, whether they will do so or not depends on the level of fortifications built by the Ukrainian side. This was stated by the head of the Chernihiv Regional Military Administration Vyacheslav Chaus during a press conference, according to a UNN correspondent.

When asked whether he sees a real threat of invasion, Chaus replied: "How do you answer that question? If you say 'I see it' now, you will say it: "Chaus is creating panic and saying that there will be a second offensive, but there is not." If you say "I don't see it," they will leave. I answered this question in 2022, in 2023. Nothing has changed. Russia today is able to form a contingent sufficient for a second offensive on the territory of the region very, very quickly, within a week or two, three." 

He explained what determines the decision of the Russian Federation to launch a second offensive on Chernihiv region. 

"Whether they will do it or not depends, among other things, on how hard we will work in terms of building up the fortifications - they see everything.  They understand the situation that we are strengthening our fortifications. The fortifications of 2023 compared to the fortifications of 2022 are a completely different level. We will continue to strengthen it. The more we do this, the less likely it is that the enemy will re-enter the territory of Chernihiv region," Chaus said. 


The commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Serhiy Nayev reportedthat more than 500,000 anti-tank mines had been laid on the main directions of the enemy's possible offensive. 

Anna Murashko



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