
Businessman Polishchuk explains why he filed a lawsuit against ARMA to protect his honor and dignity

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Businessman Polishchuk explained why he filed a lawsuit against ARMA to protect his honor and dignity.

A Ukrainian businessman, owner of the Gulliver shopping, entertainment and business center, filed a lawsuit to protect his honor, dignity and business reputation against the ARMA over the statement by the agency's head, Olena Duma, that he and his wife had "close relations with the Kremlin elite," UNN reports.

"During the roundtable, Olena Duma, the head of the Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA), publicly stated that my wife and I have 'close relations with the Kremlin elite' and that my wife is allegedly the niece of Medvedev's wife. This information is absolutely fictitious and untrue," said Polishchuk in an exclusive commentary to UNN.

According to him, after consulting with lawyers, it was decided to prepare a lawsuit to protect his honor, dignity and business reputation and to go to court to refute this information.

Polishchuk also said that since Elena Duma made this statement publicly during a roundtable organized by the Yurydychna Praktyka publishing house, the refutation should also be public and posted on the resources of the said publishing house.

"The information about ties with the Kremlin elite is not only made up, it also negatively affects my business reputation and the business reputation of my wife," added the owner of Gulliver.

Viktor Polishchuk's lawyers in a comment to UNN added that Olena Duma not only reported false information about Viktor Polishchuk and his wife Lilia Rizva, but also emphasized this information during her speech.

"Before presenting this information, the head of the ARMA, Olena Duma, does not just present factual statements, but emphasizes them with the words "I have to say, by the way, that...", thus deliberately focusing the listener's interest on this information," the lawyer said.


Earlier it became known that businessman Viktor Polishchuk filed a lawsuit against ARMA to protect his honor, dignity and business reputation with the Shevchenkivskyi District Court.


In early June, Kyiv's Shevchenkivskyi District Court granted the Prosecutor General's Office's motion and allowed the transfer of the Gulliver complex to ARMA. However, representatives of Gulliver statethat this decision grossly violates procedural and substantive law and actually means a business takeover with the assistance of law enforcement and security agencies.

It is not yet clear how this situation will develop further, as representatives of the company that owns the complex are arguing in court that this decision is groundless and illegal.

Lilia Podolyak



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