
British intelligence: Russians lack night vision devices

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British intelligence reports that the Russian military is having difficulty conducting night operations due to a lack of necessary equipment, such as night vision devices, which affects their combat capability.

The Russians are trying to fight at night, but they lack the necessary vision equipment. This is stated in a new intelligence report of the British Ministry of Defense, reports UNN.


According to intelligence, numerous reports from combatants since the beginning of the war emphasize the trend that the Russian military has problems with fighting at night.

At the end of November 2023, a social media user claiming to be a Russian soldier fighting in the Kherson region drew attention to the shortage of night vision devices and special cameras for drones

- the report said.

The department emphasizes that night vision devices are often on the lists of equipment that Russian units ask their families and supporters for.

SEE ALSO: British intelligence: Russia has launched a concerted campaign of strikes on Ukrainian energy sector

Instead, Ukrainian troops often receive night vision devices from international partners.


The British Ministry of Defense notes that these problems of the Russians are also related to the fact that military exercises in Russia rarely emphasize nighttime training.

Instead, they tend to be structured around staged, daytime events to impress visiting senior officers. In contrast, the (aforementioned) Russian soldier claimed that Ukrainian forces move mostly at night

- intelligence summarizes.

To recap,

the UK Ministry of Defense reports that Russia is likely to improve the design of Shahed attack drones. Against this backdrop, Ukraine continues to successfully neutralize most of the weapons being launched

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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