
Bloomberg: Britain still hasn't punished anyone who violated sanctions against Russia

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The UK has not punished a single violator of sanctions against Russia, despite having recorded 473 potential violations. Only one warning was issued by the sanctions office of Wise Plc.

Despite the fact that Britain has recorded a surge in suspicions of violations of sanctions against Russia, London has not yet punished any violators. This was reported by Bloomberg, according to UNN.  


It is noted that the British Financial Sanctions Enforcement Office has issued only one warning to the payment company Wise Plc for allowing a person under sanctions against Russia to withdraw 250 pounds (almost 300 euros).

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In particular, in its annual report , the uk sanctions office reported 473 alleged violations that had been recorded by April. 

According to Francis Bond, a lawyer at Macfarlanes who specializes in sanctions and criminal offenses, "most sanctions should be enforced, but they are not".

At the same time, Giles Thomson, the head of the British Sanctions Office, said that his agency was moving "to a proactive model of sanctions enforcement."


In Britain, the approach to sanctions enforcement is divided, with the National Crime Agency dealing with tax evasion and scrutiny of wealthy Russians in London, while the Financial Services Authority generally responds to allegations of violations.

As a reminder,

The UK government has created a new agency OTSI to ensure compliance with sanctions against Russia, which should start operating next year to prevent sanctions evasion and provide advice on sanctions compliance.

SEE ALSO: Bulgaria is concerned about the high level of exports of dual-use goods to russia

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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