
Blockade on the border with Poland: at Uhryniv checkpoint clearance of empty trucks has begun

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The Uhryniv-Dolhobychuv checkpoint is open for the passage of empty trucks weighing more than 7.5 tons from Ukraine to Poland, and 30 trucks have already been cleared

The Uhryniv-Dolhobyczów border crossing point is opening for empty trucks from Ukraine to Poland from today. Border guards have already cleared 30 heavy vehicles. This was reported by the Ministry of Reconstruction and the State Border Guard Service, UNN writes.

At the Uhryniv-Dolhobychuv checkpoint, the clearance of heavy trucks has begun. As of the morning of December 4, border guards at the Uhryniv checkpoint cleared 30 heavy vehicles with a total permitted weight of more than 7.5 tons for departure from Ukraine. The trucks enter the checkpoint in the order of the general queue, 

the State Border Guard Service said on Telegram.


This is a joint checkpoint on the Polish side, which usually worked only for cars and buses. From today, December 4, trucks weighing 7.5 tons or more will be able to pass through, the Ministry of Reconstruction reported.

As of today, empty trucks, including tankers, can move without registering in the electronic border crossing queue. The daily capacity is expected to be over 100  trucks. 

A team from the State Security Service of Ukraine will also be on site to maintain traffic order and assist drivers as needed. 

Work is currently underway to implement other measures to unblock the border, the ministry said.

To recap,

Ukraine and Poland have agreed to unblock the Uhryniv-Dolhobyczów checkpoint for empty trucks and to create separate passes for empty vehicles at the Yahodyn-Dorohusk and Krakivets-Korchova checkpoints in the eCheck system.

Julia Shramko



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