
Biden's Allies Abroad Say He Shouldn't Fight to Win Election - Bloomberg

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After the debate in the United States between Donald Trump and Joseph Biden during the election race, the allies of the current president believe that he should concede. UNN writes about this with reference to Bloomberg


Bloomberg writes that among Joe Biden's foreign allies, voices are already emerging that want the oldest American president to withdraw from the election.

Citing sources, the newspaper writes that European officials privately say that Biden should step aside for the sake of someone who has a better chance of defeating Trump and preserving the unity of the allies on Ukraine and NATO.

There is concern about how Biden will present himself at the NATO summit he is scheduled to attend in the US next week, where his every move, gesture and word will be scrutinized.

One of the G-7 officials at the meeting in Italy said that there was an air of concern in the room about the issue and that it was an election risk. The meeting took place two weeks before the election debate between Biden and Trump.

Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Ivo Daalder pointed to a moment in the debate that went largely unnoticed in the United States but shocked the allies: when Biden asked Trump if he would defend a NATO member state against putin, Trump shrugged his shoulders.

This is a disappointing answer for countries that have relied on America's commitment to their security for 75 years as their basic security

- Ivo Daalder said.


US President Joe Biden has admittedthat he did not perform well at the debate. He added that 90 minutes on stage does not erase what he has done during his presidency.

Байден думає, чи продовжувати участь у президентських перегонах - ЗМІ03.07.24, 18:58

Iryna Kolesnik

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