
Attack of the machines: Tesla engineer injured by faulty robot

 • 41082 переглядiв

At the Tesla plant in Austin in the United States "as a result of an attack by a malfunctioning robot" was injured an engineer was injured. Two people watched in horror as the machine, which is designed to move aluminum parts, ruthlessly stuck its metal claws into the plant's specialist, two of his of his fellow witnesses watched in horror. It is also reported that this is not the first such case in recent years. recent years, UNN reports with reference to the Dailymail.


According to to a British tabloid, the robot pinned a man who was programming software for two Tesla robots standing nearby, and then then dug its metal claws into the worker's back and arm, leaving a a "bloody trail" on the factory floor.

It is already known that the incident was reported in a report filed with the US federal authorities and the health authorities in Travis County, where the Tesla factory is located. The report also stated that every 21 employees of the factory were injured during 2022.

Військово-морський флот США отримав перший роботизований підводний човен25.12.23, 01:04

According to the information of a to a British newspaper, the actual number of accidents is even higher. To summarize the problem problem, it should be noted that the trend of long-term growth of risks associated with with automated robots: an increase in injuries from other robots in delivery centers Amazon delivery centers, self-driving cars, and the dangers of robot instructors.

It is reported that there is an alleged security problem at the Elon Musk project's gigafactory.

Last year the Worker Protection Project filed a complaint on behalf of Giga Texas workers with the the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), alleging that contractors and subcontractors of Tesla had issued false safety certificates to some workers.

Employees said that when they needed to complete training, they were simply sent PDFs or images of certificates via text message or WhatsApp within days,

said attorney Hannah Alexander of the of the nonprofit organization Workers Defense Project.


The company Tesla Elon Musk introduced the next generation of his robot called Optimus Gen 2, which can help people in various fields, such as manufacturing, construction healthcare and entertainment

Мільйонні збитки: українські хакери вивели з ладу російську систему управління підприємствами 27.12.23, 16:23

Ihor Telezhnikov



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