
Asylum seekers: British Interior Ministry admits it does not know the whereabouts of 17 thousand people

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The UK Home Office has withdrawn thousands of asylum applications because people have failed to respond to two consecutive requests for an interview.

Representatives of the British Home Office have admitted that they do not know the whereabouts of more than 17,000 people who have applied for asylum. This was reported by the BBC, according to UNN.


The Home Office has withdrawn thousands of asylum applications because people have failed to respond to two consecutive requests for an interview. When an application is withdrawn, it means that it is no longer being processed and if the claimant remains in the UK, they are there illegally.

Thus, since December last year, asylum claims have been withdrawn 17,316 times.

Asked whether some of these people had returned to their home countries, Simon Ridley, a senior civil servant at the Home Office, said he did not know.


In the spring it was reportedthat the UK expects up to 56,000 immigrants to arrive on small boats to its shores this year. 

SEE ALSO: Sunak suffers a major blow over court ruling on migrants ahead of upcoming UK election

Antonina Tumanova



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