
Andriushchenko: Occupants strengthened security of military bases in Mariupol after "cotton" - Andriushchenko

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Following the recent attacks in Mariupol, the Russians have significantly increased the security of their military bases by adding surveillance equipment and fortifications.

In Mariupol, temporarily occupied by the occupiers, after the "cotton" Russians strengthened the arrangement and organization of security of military bases, said on Wednesday  the adviser to the mayor of the city Petro Andriushchenko, UNN reports.

After the Mariupol Cotton, the occupiers dramatically strengthened the arrangement and organization of security at military bases in the city.  They installed surveillance cameras (sometimes they already had them, but added new ones). Total Egoza on the fence and additional surveillance towers

- Andriushchenko wrote on Telegram.

According to him, it is unclear how this is supposed to save the occupiers from "cotton" . "But the "No Panic" campaign was held at all identified Russian bases," Andriushchenko said. 


Two explosions occurred in  temporarily occupied by the Russians in Mariupol on the night of December 15. According to the Mariupol City Council, they hit a Russian "concrete plant"  and the area behind PortCity, where the Russian military deployed equipment and parts of air defense systems.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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