
Agricultural exports increased by 7% this year, 43 million tons of grain have already been transported - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

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Ukraine's agricultural exports grew by 7% to $22.9 billion, with grain shipments reaching 43 million tons.

This year's agricultural exports increased by 7% in monetary terms compared to last year. At the same time, 43 million tons of grain have already been exported. This was emphasized by the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky during a telethon, UNN reports.

There is an increase in the volume of agricultural exports. As of December 25... grain exports, for example, amounted to 43 million tons, when in the same period last year it was 37 million tons. That is, there is an increase in volumes

- Vysotsky said.

According to him, the value of these exports is about $8 billion .

"If we look at the exports of all agricultural products, all types, this year we have already exported USD 22.9 billion worth of agricultural products, while last year during the same period we exported USD 21.4 billion. That is, even in these difficult conditions, agricultural exports have increased by 7% in monetary terms this year," Vysotsky said.

Україна розширює "шляхи солідарності" для експорту зерна – Тарас Качка28.10.23, 22:09 • [views_85800]

Julia Shramko



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